Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy News

Some good news for philosophers!

Based on a recent study by psychologist Matthias Mehl, happier people tend to spend more time engaging in deep conversations and not very much on small talk. According to a New York Times article, Mehl proposes that the reason is two-fold: most of us enjoy social interaction and talking in general, and we also crave to find or unlock a sense of purpose or meaning in our lives. So by discussing with a partner questions like, “What does it all mean? Where did we come from? What is the best way to live a good life? Do I matter?” we satisfy a longing for connection with that other person, and also, in Mehl’s words, “manage to impose meaning on an otherwise pretty chaotic world.”

So it seems that perhaps you may be a happier person by discussing (or questioning) happiness itself –– or, in fact, its opposite: any “deep” topic will do. (This would make even the existentialists giddy in their angst!)


Zach Sherwin said...

Interesting topic, although correlation is not causation. Perhaps people who are happier are more likely to engage in deep conversation? Perhaps a third factor-- such as intelligence or free time-- causes both happiness and deep conversation?

It's an interesting correlation, but I'm not convinced whether there's a causal link.